
LQ Mechatronik-Systeme GmbH
Carl-Benz-Straße 6,
D-74354 Besigheim
T +49.7143.968-0

Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 205651
USt-Id-Nr. DE 812 724 925
WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 85876543

Represented by

Friedrich P. Link
José Quero

Person responsible
(Acc. §55 para. 2 RStV)

Sybille Schwarz
LQ Mechatronik-Systeme GmbH
Carl-Benz-Strasse 6
D-74354 Besigheim


Liability Notice The content of our website has been compiled with great care. However, we are unable to offer a guarentee for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the content provided. As a service provider, we are responsible for the content we provide as defined by German laws and according to § 7 para. 1 TMG. According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, we are not obliged to monitor third party information provided or stored on our website with respect to possible illegality. However, we shall promptly remove any content upon becoming aware that it violates the law. Our liability in such an instance shall commence at the time we become aware of the respective violation.

Liability for hyperlinks Our website contains links to external third-party websites. We have no influence on the information on these websites and accept no guaranty for its correctness. The content of such third-party sites is the responsibility of the respective owners/providers. At the time third-party websites were linked to ours, we found no reason of any likely contravention of the law. Ongoing monitoring of the content of the pages linked to is not reasonable without concrete reason to suspect a violation. We shall promptly delete a link upon becoming aware that it violates the law.

Copyright All rights reserved. Content, pictures, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as their layout on LQ websites are protected by copyright and other protective legislation. The content of these websites may not be copied, disseminated, altered or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Some of the LQ websites also include pictures subject to the copyright of third parties.