Celebration at LQ with specialist trainers and the trainees' mentors
Alina Entenmann and Antonia Schukraft achieved the successful conclusion to their apprenticeship that they were hoping for. The two newly qualified industrial administrators followed a popular tradition at LQ Mechatronik-Systeme and invited those who had assisted them during their training to attend a celebration that looked back over the preceding months.
“In the 448 days since we started our training, 64 people in total have devoted a great deal of effort to support and guide us in 18 very different departments to give us an insight into how varied the different areas of our company are," said Antonia Schukraft, as she gave a short presentation about their training. The highlights of the last few months were also discussed, such as joint excursions with other trainees, including playing footballgolf and a visit to Mercedes-Benz in Sindlefingen to see the production of C-Class vehicles.
In her final project, Alina Entenmann looked at the relocation of the control technology production site from Besigheim to Gemmrigheim. For her examination Antonia Schukraft chose the redesign of LQ's exhibition stand for the last SPS IPC Drives show in Nuremberg in Autumn 2018.
Before the two trainees invited their guests to help themselves to the selection of cakes, Head of Training Thomas Deyhle thanked his colleagues from the specialist departments for the time they had invested in their young colleagues and emphasised: "We have a unique training system in Germany. Many countries envy us because of the expertise of our young trainees, who learn from us all during their apprenticeship and are also allowed to make mistakes in a protected space. That is part of the learning process." All those involved made a contribution to ensuring that the two trainees are now well prepared as they start work in their future roles.