Welcome to professional life
This year, school leavers are once again starting their professional lives at the LQ Group in Besigheim. The new trainees will be trained in the following three technical or commercial professions in the coming years. Office clerk, meckatronics technician and warehouse logistics specialist.
Medium-sized companies offer a variety of advantages when it comes to training. Flat hierarchies allow contacts at all levels and involvement in real projects is a given from day one. Taking on responsibility at an early stage is encouraged, and professional and personal development is specifically promoted through training and continuing education measures. A pleasant, respectful and open working atmosphere is a matter of course at the LQ-Group. In a modern atmosphere, trainees at LQ can expect a dynamic team in a constantly growing, exciting environment.
During the dual training, the trainees at LQ benefit on the one hand from school content through regular vocational school classes and the offer of LQ's own company classes, and on the other hand from an extensive company insight into various departments relevant to the chosen profession of choice.
We wish all trainees all the best, an exciting apprenticeship and much success.
A warm welcome to working life.