TÜV SÜD Management GmbH conducted a follow-up audit
On 18 and 19 January 2017, TÜV SÜD Management GmbH conducted a follow-up audit at the Besigheim site to assess the quality management system in accordance with DIN ISO 9001:2008.
For companies the quality management system forms the basis for effective quality assurance and sustained quality management. Apart from customer satisfaction, customer orientation and process efficiency, the aim is to be able to respond quickly and flexibly to market requirements. These requirements can only be satisfied with the help of an appropriate process organisation.
Apart from this, the criteria for standards continue to develop. For instance, the entire QM system has now been revised and the latest standard is DIN ISO 9001:2015. The fact that the company successfully passed the follow-up audit in January has smoothed the LQ Group's path for this next stage. As the case for DIN ISO 9001:2008, the revised standard is also process oriented in nature but it is based on the PDCA model. PDCA stands for Plan – Do – Check – Act. . This ongoing process leads to a continuous improvement in quality and this is reflected in first-class products.
“DIN ISO 9001:2015 will also help the LQ Group to respond quickly and flexibly in the future to the increasingly complex requirements of the market and act accordingly,” says Managing Director Friedrich P. Link as he gives an insight into the future.