EnergyLink - the simplest solution
When new large-scale logistics systems are installed, the work is carried out to a tight time schedule.
Installation is fast and reliable when the M15 Power circular plug-in connector is used. Furthermore, the electrical work on long conveyor belts must be carried out as quickly as possible and with as little manpower as possible. Simple and reliable connection of the motors for the individual modules in the chain and roller conveyors is essential.
Each conveyor unit is equipped with a minimum of one electric motor for the drive. LQ Mechatronik-Systeme GmbH's M15 Power provides the simplest solution for connecting the individual conveyor modules together electrically. At the installation site the cable on the M15 Power plug-in connector just has to be fitted to the fixing thread prepared on the motor to make the electrical contact. Absolutely safe, with no mistakes and in a matter of seconds.
Everything can be connected up by construction or assembly personnel without any specialist electrical knowledge. Connection is a purely mechanical process, because the connector just has to be fitted on the pin. The time taken for the electrical fitting work on the construction site is many times faster than usual yet, at the same time, the scope for making mistakes is reduced to a minimum. The moulded cable makes for maximum safety.