Focus on performance


Universal installation technology sets new standards in mechanical and plant engineering. Instead of using a range of different connectors, everyday production processes can now be greatly simplified. A single, vendor-neutral and totally all-purpose solution reduces…

Intelligent standards – greater efficiency

System solutions

Lower costs, more compact space and considerably less time required to design and install units of the same high quality: these are some of the many points in favour of LQ Mechatronik-Systeme GmbH’s modular control cabinet. The formation and use of function groups has…

LQ expands headquarters in Besigheim


Around eight years ago the LQ Group chose the Ottmarsheimer Höhe industrial estate near Besigheim for its company headquarters and since then has continued to develop the site. A modern new production building with staff facilities has been built at the company's site…

Successful partnership between Siemens and the LQ-Group


German engineering expertise comes together at the highest level. It is not unusual for supposed competitors to combine their efforts to work on new solutions. Since it became known that several premium car manufacturers have forged these kinds of partnerships, they…

W-TEC 15 sets new standards


Everyone who uses a mobile phone knows the problem: different models and manufacturers all use different cables and connectors. It's impossible to swap or combine different phones with different charger cables. For individual phone users it's a nuisance, but for large…

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